Wednesday, November 30, 2011

mrs. jones

mrs. jones preached a wonderful sermon about the unconditional love of a cat...but she probably should not have entitled it..."me and my pussy" in the church bulletin .

if i were a frog...

if i were a frog...i would eat black flies instead of bugs...and i would have all the other frogs who did not...put to death .

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

my favorite magic trick...

my favorite magic trick is to turn piss into water as someone is drinking never works out but it sure is good for a laugh .

Friday, November 11, 2011

a little boy...

a little boy asked me if his dog  was going to be in heaven...i replied..."yes , billy...but you are going to fucking burn in hell" .

some anteaters...

some anteaters prefer beetles to ants...they are shunned and despised by the others .