Monday, February 28, 2011

some people

some  people...literally command their sperm not to impregnate...there is a name for such people...they are called...parents .


the best part of a game of when the trolls suddenly appear...and eat your opponent .

Friday, February 25, 2011


just remember...when you say to someone..."are you stupid or something???" it is hardly ever the "or something".

being special

god loves everyone...but me...he hates me...which means...I AM SPECIAL .

blow-up dolls

sex is a beautiful and intimate thing...unless , of course...your blow-up doll springs a leak .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

do not argue

it says in the bible...that we should not argue beliefs...which is o.k. with me...chopping someones head off is so much less time consuming .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

tit bullets

what we really a female super-hero that shoots bullets out of her tits...not so much to fight the "bad guys"...but more for the entertainment value .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


i got a title for my autobiography..."everything was hard but my penis."

horny soda

my favorite soda is horny does not taste very good...but it gets you jerked around .

Saturday, February 19, 2011


people hate being called fact , if you call them unloving...they will do very painful things to might even die .

Thursday, February 17, 2011


when i need guidance...enlightenment...direction...i simply recall those immortal words of grandma..."stop playing with your cock."

two types of people

there are two types of people in this everyone else .

gov't rebate

if the government wants to tax people for eating fatty food...then you should get a rebate for screwing .

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

how to get a job

the best way to get a to tell your potential employer that you believe your weakness is that you love to be abused and controlled by authority figures .


being raised by penguins would not have been that bad...except for one thing...I FUCKING HATE FISH .

Monday, February 14, 2011

being gay

he never said anything...but i could just pet squid thought that i was gay .

parking ticket

i remember getting my first parking ticket...and how special i felt .

Saturday, February 12, 2011


i would like rats a lot more...if they were better looking...more cuddly...gave good advice on all sorts of shit...and...oh yes...could suck your dick really well .

Friday, February 11, 2011

giant squid

some people like throwing out an octopus onto the hockey arena...but i think a giant squid would be more interesting .

oral sex

by the time you figure out that you cannot get someone pregnant by oral are just too tired to care .

moby dick

the reason why moby dick was mad...he wanted to be called moby penis .


as a child...i felt very secure...manly because my father was a bad shot .


i would have been a great baseball player...except for one thing...i suck .


meditation is like spiritual helps you to fart out all your shitty attitudes .

t.v. shows

t.v. shows should not conclude with credits...apologies would be a lot more appropriate .


people ask my why i have a turn on top of my them i reply..."it is a lot better than the shit inside my t.v."

human nature

it is human nature to project shit on people...but it is not my fault that everyone on this planet...besides me...if a fish from outer space in disguise .


my therapist thinks that i am afraid of commitment...truth is however...i am just holding out for a girl with three tits .

toilet paper

i hope that when i buy a 24 pack of toilet paper...that the clerk does not think that i have 24 ass holes .